Comfort zone challenge

Why challenge our comfort zone? It is comfortable! If you are comfortable being comfortable, this blog isn’t for you. Yet, if you desire pushing yourself to be a better person today than you were yesterday, this might be for you. The opposite of growth and progress is comfort.

Waking up from my Comfort Zone

Well, I won’t say I have completely woken up from the “comfort zone” but I am starting to come out of the coma. Here is how it started…

12 Hour Walk by Colin O'Brady

In the book, “The 12 Hour Walk“, Colin O’Brady talks about the pain and pleasures of life on a scale of 1 to 10, with one being extreme pain and ten being blissful fulfillment. He says most of us go through life in the range of 4-6, the “zone of comfortable complacency”. He goes on to explain, in order to experience 10s, you must experience the pain of being at a 1.

I was first introduced to Colin O’Brady on the Ed Mylett Show. For a year and a half I’ve been lost and searching for clarity and motivation. Before then I was a motivational guru myself. Everyday for as long as I can remember, I worked hard to be a better person today than I was yesterday. Everyday was a day of learning, challenges, and overcoming obstacles so I could mentor, coach and guide others to achieve their own goals.

Due to my own choices, I took myself out of that environment. I am thankful that I made the decision I did, yet, I haven’t found my footing since then. In my desperate search for clarity, I stumbled upon the above-mentioned podcasts. It spoke to me and I bought the book.

The murky waters of Comfort Zone

“No matter how you’ve been broken, you have the power to build yourself back up.” – Colin O’Brady

The problem is, when you have been broken, figuring out your dreams and goals feels nearly impossible. It is like swimming through murky water. You can’t see! You don’t know what your dreams are and goals… those are getting through the day. Many things sound attractive and then there is a voice inside saying, “Is that what you really want to do?” When you are in the 4-6 zone, passion for dreams and goals isn’t really a thing.

Finding clarity in the Comfort Zone

Fortunately there is a way out of the murky waters. There is a way to find direction. This is the path I am on. This is not a science. It is my experience, day by day.

So how do you find clarity in the muck? Push yourself! It doesn’t have to be an astronomical push, just a push. Do something today that is not like you. Do something today that pushes yourself a little farther than you did yesterday.

A few ideas to challenge your comfort zone
  • If you don’t usually exercise, go walk a mile
  • If you normally walk a mile, walk two miles instead
  • If you are normally an introvert, invite 4 people to have dinner with you
  • If you are normally an extrovert, sit at home in silence for an hour
  • When driving in your car, turn off the music and put away your phone
  • Take a different route than normal
  • Go out of your way to help a neighbor, friend or stranger

Essentially – do something different! Everyday do something out of your normal routine. This is my journey. Everyday I will blog on what I did outside of my comfort zone and the clarity that comes with the experience.

My hope is this blog will find someone who needs it. Most importantly, I need it. This is my commitment to myself. Thank you for being with me on the journey. Please comment and let me know if you are taking this journey with me and how it helps you. Please feel free to share with others. Hopefully, these words will find others who need it.

With love and gratitude,



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