Day 47: What keeps you up at night?

imageWhat keeps you up at night? What wakes you up in the middle of the night and keeps you from going back to sleep? Is it a conversation that you had? A conversation that you need to have? Money concerns? Are you carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders?

Last night I lay awake thinking about too many things. Then my own calm voice told me, “I can not control these things. What is done is done. Do the best you can do then move on. Accept where you are. Learn. Grow. Keep going.”

A great coach I know teaches others to write down all the things that are stressing them. Then she has them organize the stresses into two areas:

  1. Those I can control
  2. Those I have no control over

If you do this exercise you will see most of the things that keep you up at night are completely out of your control. You have to look at them, decide what you can learn, and then decide to move on. They are out of your control. You can not fix the issue.

For those in your control, maybe there is an action step that needs to take place. Procrastination of my own actions will keep me up at night as well. Make sure to put a plan of action in place today. Take the first step if you truly can control the outcome.


We can only learn and grow so much every day. The greatness inside of us still needs to be taught. Life comes at us daily in all kinds of ways and how we handle it is sometimes challenging. Knowing what you have control over and what you do not have control over is key. Rest your mind. There is no need to fill the space of your great life with things you can not change. Focus on the great things you can do to make a big impact on this world. Go out and be great!

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